Be You, Roo: Kid’s Book About Being Yourself

In a sunny, green meadow, under skies so blue,

Hopped a little kangaroo named Roo.

Roo loved to bounce, and Roo loved to play,

But Roo felt different, every single day.

Page 1

"I wish I were taller," Roo said with a sigh,

"Like Giraffe, who stretches up to the sky.

Or maybe I'd swim, like Fish in the stream,

And glide through the water—oh, what a dream!"

Page 2

Roo tried to climb trees, like Monkey so quick,

But he slipped and slid right down the stick.

He wiggled and splashed, pretending to be Fish,

But swimming was harder than Roo thought with a wish.

Page 3

Feeling so sad, Roo sat by a tree,

Watching the clouds float high and free.

"Why can't I be like them?" Roo said aloud.

"I just want to fit in and make others proud."

Page 4

Then wise old Owl, perched up high,

Hooted softly, "Roo, don’t cry.

Being yourself is the best thing to do.

No one else in the world can be you but YOU."

Page 5

"But I’m just Roo, I hop all day.

What’s so special about bouncing this way?"

Owl flapped her wings and gave a wide grin,

"Your bounce makes you you—that’s where to begin!"

Page 6

"Fish can swim, and Giraffe is tall,

But you’re the best bouncer of them all!

Monkey can climb, but none can say,

‘I hop so high and I leap all day!’"

Page 7

Roo stood up tall, his chest puffed out.

He gave a big hop and let out a shout:

"I’m Roo the hopper, and that’s just fine!

I’ll hop to the stars and let myself shine!"

Page 8

Now Roo bounces proudly, with a grin on his face,

Knowing the meadow is his special place.

He doesn’t need to swim, or climb, or be tall—

Being Roo is the best thing of all.

What makes you, you, just like Roo?

Page 9


Performing Artists' Propensity for Shame and Regret


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