Prepare For The Future College Athlete

I work with athletes from their early days in sports to advanced levels. I observe how their positive and negative mental patterns and coping skills develop over time, affecting them more as they age. When they reach college athletics, some patterns start to weigh them down. Because these issues develop gradually, those of us supporting athletes don’t notice them until they seriously affect athletes' mental well-being and performance.

That's where The Future College Athlete Trends series can help college athletics departments prepare for the future athlete.

Learn, Share, and Discuss

The following provides five lessons about athletes' perfectionism to give you a solid understanding of the subject. It also explains seven upcoming trends in athletes' perfectionism to watch and plan for in your athletics department. 

You can use this information to have open discussions called AD Dialogues with department staff to determine how to help athletes proactively handle the pressure of striving for perfection. Please pass this information on to anyone you think could benefit from it. 

Lessons About Athlete Perfectionism

Lesson 1: Two Faces Of Perfectionism

Lesson 2: Six Ways Perfectionism Impacts Athletes' Mental Health

Lesson 3: Six Ways Perfectionism Impacts Athletes' Physical Health

Lesson 4: Growth Of Perfectionism Over Time

Lesson 5: Trends How Social Media and Technology Drive Perfectionism

Future Trends Of Athlete Perfectionism

Trend 1: Unhealthy Perfectionism

Trend 2: Unethical Sports Behavior

Trend 3: Sports Specialization Fuels Perfectionism

Trend 4: College Recruitment Perfectionism

Trend 5: Mental Health Stigma

Trend 6: Risk Of Suicide

Trend 7: Unstable Self-Esteem

By putting mental health first and setting up solid support systems to handle the pressure on athletes to be perfect, college athletics departments can build a healthier environment and help future college athletes thrive.

If you want to discuss The Future College Athlete and The Rise Of Perfectionism, please Contact me to schedule a time to talk.

Trends In Perfectionism and Future College Athletes

I've been studying upcoming trends to help college athletics administrators, coaches, and professional staff prepare for the future athlete. The first trend series I've launched is The Future College Athlete and The Rise Of Perfectionism. This series explores how trends in perfectionism will impact college athletes' mental health and performance over the next decade. 

The series is designed to empower college athletics departments to initiate open conversations about how to help future athletes better manage the pressures of perfectionism. You can read more about the trends below.

Watch for the second trend series, The Future College Athlete and The Rise Of People Pleasing, which is coming soon.

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