Michael Cerreto, A Talented Mind Clinic

I am your guide, therapist, and biggest fan during your journey to discover who you truly are, and live free.

Michael is a Performance Therapist. He is the founder of A Talented Mind Clinic in Richmond, Virginia. He is a specialist in two types of therapies to help you live and perform free. First, he specializes in helping clients discover who God meant them to be through the LiveFree Program. Second, he provides therapy to strengthen the mental skills and mental performance of highly talented performers in sports and the performing arts through SportsMind and ArtsMind Programs.

Michael received the Nunally Award at Longwood University from Troy Austin, Director of Athletics, for the positive impact Michael's mental skills training had on the lives of the university's student-athletes.


Journey Back From Chemobrain: Everyday methods for chemobrain rehabilitation

Sports Parenting: Secrets of parents who raised healthy athletes 

Mental Style of World Class Percussionists: How world class percussionists think

Qualities Of Corporate Competitors: Mental style of successful business competitors

Future College Athlete: Mental styles of future college athletes by 2035

Faculty Member, Higher Ed Consulting

Faculty member, taught Organization Behavior in the Robins School of Business at the University of Richmond

Practicum Advisor for graduate students in Organization Development at American University and the NTL Institute of Applied Behavioral Science.

Faculty member, taught Organization and Leadership Development at Bluefield University

Consulted to NCState University to launch and establish university-wide support for the creation of the Friday Institute For Educational Innovation to enhance education in North Carolina’s underserved school districts.

Books, Columns, and Podcast

Journey Back From Chemobrain: Everyday methods to address your chemobrain symptoms

Mental Toughness In Athletes: Sports psychology secrets to dominate and win

The Corporate Competitor: Secrets of the fiercest competitors in business

University of YOU: Select the best college environment for your personality

Co-produce a podcast called Transcending To Your Best Life for people who are struggling with life challenges.

Columnist, Transforming Your Enterprise Magazine, about performance psychology issues in corporate settings.

Quarterly articles about cognitive rehabilitation for traumatic brain injuries for TBI Today published by the Virginia Commonwealth University's Brain Injury Model System.

Quarterly articles about sport psychology methods for athletes, coaches, and parents for FC Richmond Soccer Club.

Speeches and Clinics

College Athletes Of the Future: Are You Ready?, NCAA Division I Big South Conference’s Annual Sports Medicine Conference

Solutions To Sports Induced Anxiety, NCAA Division I Big South Conference’s Annual Sports Medicine Conference

Mental Styles of World-Class Percussionists, Percussion Arts Society International Convention

Effective Use Of Vision Training and Biofeedback During Injury Recovery, NCAA Division I Big South Conference’s Annual Sports Medicine Conference

Motivating the Injured Athlete, CJW Sports Medicine Physical Therapy and Sports Training

Slowing the Game Down: Vision Training for Peak Performance, FC Richmond Soccer Club

SportsParent Discussion Group at Richmond Olympiad

SportsGirl Clinic at FC Richmond Soccer Club

Rehabilitation Psychology at CJW Sports Medicine and Physical Therapy Professional Staff Training

Sexual Relationships After a TBI, Rehabilitation of the Adult and Child With Brain Injury Conference

Advances In Dementia Remediation, Rehabilitation of the Adult and Child With Brain Injury Conference

Positive Awareness As A Gateway to Cognitive Rehabilitation, Rehabilitation of the Adult and Child With Brain Injury Conference

Family Cognitive Retraining Education, Brain Injury Association of Virginia Annual Conference

Family Cognitive Retraining Education at Rehabilitation of the Adult and Child With Brain Injury Conference

The Self-Directed Athlete at Virginia High School League Leadership Conference

Monthly Journey Back From Chemobrain Workshops at CJW Thomas Johns Cancer Hospital

Conquering the Chemobrain Challenge at Pink Mondays, CJW Thomas Johns Cancer Hospital

Cognitive Retraining of Chemobrain at Rehabilitation of the Adult and Child With Brain Injury Conference

Certification Training Workshop called Journey Back From Chemobrain for oncology medical staff at the The John Theurer Cancer Center, Hackensack University Medical Center

Cognitive Retraining at Virginia Commonwealth University Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department's Grand Rounds

Journey Back From Chemobrain at St. Mary’s Hospital Brain Tumor Support Group and St. Francis Hospital Breast Cancer Support Group

Support Group Facilitator, Cancer Survivor Support Group at The Hawthorne Cancer Resource Center 

Gymnast Psychology Education Workshop at Richmond Olympiad

Coach Education Workshops at Richmond Olympiad

Parent Education Workshops at Richmond Olympiad


Awarded the Nunally Award at Longwood University for the positive impact Michael’s mental health and sports psychology therapy had on the lives of the university’s student athletes.

Awarded the 2024 Distinguished Alumni Award from the University of Lynchburg for Michael’s positive, lifetime contribution to society.

Therapeutic Partnerships (current and former)

Backline: Clinical staff member at Backline helping to improve the mental performance of music industry professionals.

Lighten Up Clinic and SportsMed Navigator Clinic : Co-produce a podcast called Transcending To Your Best Life for people who are struggling with life challenges.

Richmond Symphony: Provided mental training clinics called ArtsMind to help classical musicians learn the mental skills needed to practice and perform at high levels, and teach parents of youth musicians how to nurture talents. 

Longwood University: Former clinical staff member at Longwood University's Athletics Department helping NCAA Division I athletes learn mental skills to outperform competitors, and help coaches use methods to effectively motivate athletes in- and off-season.

JMU School of Music: Collaborated with Laurel Black, co-researcher, percussionist, and professor, to research the mental styles of the world's greatest percussionists in order to educate developing musicians.

CJW Thomas Johns Cancer Hospital and Hawthorne Cancer Resource Center: Co-facilitated an education program to help cancer survivors rehabilitate their cognitive abilities impacted by chemobrain. 

Richmond Brain Tumor Support Group: Co-facilitator and steering committee member of a support group that helps individuals and families get the support they need after a brain tumor diagnosis.

FC Richmond Soccer: Provide mental training clinics for athletes and parents about elevating mental toughness in practice and competition.

Richmond Olympiad: Provide mental training clinics for gymnasts about overcoming fear and reaching full potential in practice and competition.

Awarded the Distinguished Alumni Award from the University of Lynchburg for Michael’s positive, lifetime contribution to society.

Education and Certifications

Master of Science, Organization Development from American University and the NTL Institute of Applied Behavioral Science, with a specialization in Applied Behavioral Science. Applied Behavior is the study of how individuals, groups, and large systems behave in pursuit of performance and life objectives.

Graduated with the program’s highest academic honor of Distinction.

Bachelor of Arts, University of Lynchburg

Recipient of the Lynchburg’s 2024 Distinguished Alumni Award

Professional Certifications and Training

Certification In the Practice of Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy (CPCRT) through the Society for Cognitive Rehabilitation, Netherlands

Certified Mental Health Service Provider In Sports Counseling (CSC) through the National Institute of Sports Professionals, Division of Sports Psychology

Certificate in Spiritually Integrated Psychotherapy from The Association For Clinical Pastoral Education

Certificate of advanced training in Relational Trauma Skills through Dr. Albert Wong and Somatopia

Certificate in Somatic Trauma Therapy Core Skills through Dr. Albert Wong and Somatopia

Trained in Eastern Embodiment through the Australian Institute

Certificate in Eco-Psychology and Therapy through The Earthbody Institute

Certificate in HRV Biofeedback from the HeartMath Institute

Certified in Brain Injury Family Intervention (BIFI) through the Virginia Commonwealth University Traumatic Brain Injury Model System

Certified Learning Disability Remediation Specialist through the Edu-Therapeutics Learning Specialist Program

Licensure in Educational Kinesiology through the Educational Kinesiology Foundation

Certified in Lifestyle Counseling through the American Society for Lifestyle Counseling

Certified in Auditory Therapy through Advanced Brain Technologies

Trained in Art4Healing Level One Facilitation through Art and Creativity For Healing, Inc.

Authorized and trained to administer and interpret the ImPACT neurocognitive test for concussions

Certified and Authorized Provider for cognitive and mental skills assessments such as: The Attentional and Interpersonal Styles Inventory, Athlete’s Mental Edge Inventory, CNS Vital Signs Neurocognitive Assessment, Receptive-Expressive Observation, Competency Assessment Battery, Highlands Ability Battery, Multiple Intelligences Developmental Assessment Scales, and The Stress Profile

Certified facilitator of SENG-Model Support Groups for parents of gifted children to address the emotional and social needs of their children, and the parenting issues related to those needs

Trained facilitator of Alzheimer's Support Groups by the Alzheimer's Association

Nationally Certified Track and Field Coach through USA Track and Field

Michael with Laurel Black, co-researcher, percussionist, and JMU professor; Casey Cangelosi, renowned percussionist, composer, and JMU professor. Laurel and Michael presented the findings of their landmark study, Mental Styles of World-Class Percussionists, at the Percussion Arts Society International Convention.

Athletic Achievements

Silver medalist in 800-meters at the USATFF National Track and Field Championships

Ninth place finisher at the USATFF National Cross-Country Championships 

Co-captain of a cross-country team that won the USA Track and Field Federation’s National Championship

Co-captain of a cross-country team that was Nationally Ranked Number 1 by Track and Field News in its final season poll

Member of a distance-medley relay team that set the New Jersey state record that stood for 36 years

Member of a 4 x 1mile relay team that set a USA National Freshmen record

Selected to the New Jersey All-State Cross-Country Team


Stop Worrying Plan Masterclass

You no longer need to be consumed by worry and fear. 

You can stop worrying today and appreciate the richness of your life. Through this unique masterclass, you develop a Stop Worrying Plan to turn your unhelpful thinking into positive thoughts and emotions. Enroll today to eliminate worry.

Live Free Film Festival Masterclass

Explore ways to be yourself and break free from others' expectations with award-winning short films.

Life challenges are similar for everyone and can make us feel lost and confused. Sit back, watch award-winning films, and discover ways to manage critical emotions to be authentic and break free of society's expectations. Enroll in an 11-week online film festival masterclass to become the person you're meant to be. Enroll today!

Get Assertive Masterclass

Find your true, authentic voice.

Today, you begin a journey toward more authentic and confident communication. Assertiveness isn't about becoming someone you're not - it's about expressing yourself clearly while respecting yourself and others. Think of it as finding your true voice, one that allows you to build stronger relationships while staying true to your values.

Building a Growth Mindset Masterclass

Go from a negative to a growth mindset to create your best life.

Do you routinely fall short when facing a significant challenge or goal? The Building a Growth Mindset Masterclass will help you transform how you approach challenges and opportunities in life. We'll lay the foundation by exploring the concept of "mindset." Then, you learn how to develop a growth mindset that positively shapes your thoughts, actions, goals, and, ultimately, your success.

Sports Mental Health Coping Plan Masterclass

Fear and anxiety no longer have to hold you back from your goals in sports. 

As an athlete, your mental health affects every aspect of your life: friendships, sports, family, and the classroom. Our masterclass plan teaches you how to overcome your fears, stress, and anxiety in life and sports. Start here to activate a plan to help you cope with the high stress unique to athletes and reduce your anxiety. Sign up today. 

Design a Fulfilling Career Masterclass

Design a rewarding career that fits your personality and talents.

Do you want to design a fulfilling career that fits your personality and talents? If you're having difficulty making career decisions, you're not alone. Many people face similar challenges, regardless of their career. A survey by the Rockport Institute found that 64% of college seniors had serious doubts about their chosen major, and 70% of successful professionals admitted they didn't know how to make good decisions and could have made better life and career choices. The Design a Fulfilling Career Masterclass can help you design a career that fits you.

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