Two Questions To Avoid Bad Habits From Derailing You

By Michael Cerreto


In general, people carry forward in life patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving that have been present in family members throughout generations. Some of the patterns help them thrive, while others create recurring problems and stagnation in life.

After a setback in life, you face learning new life skills and creating meaning in your life. You carry with you many past negative and positive patterns or habits of behaving that may be automatic and less conscious. A negative pattern may be a history with anger, impulsiveness, or poor social skills. A positive pattern may be a history with being organized, kind, or creative.

To successfully recover, you must consciously change your negative patterns and use positive ones to grow and prosper. The first step is to be aware of your negative and positive behavior patterns. Only then can you manage them to create the life you want, instead of them derailing you. To get started, answer the following questions:

What negative behavior patterns have I experienced in my life that have held me back in the past? How should I change them to create the life I want after my setback?

What positive behavior patterns have helped me succeed in the past? How can I fully use them to recover from my setback to create a meaningful life?

After answering these questions, start taking small steps toward behaving in ways that help you create a constructive, healthy life.


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